To promote the advancement, unification and recognition of modern Spiritualism as a religion, philosophy and science and uphold, expound and teach its principles.
To establish the religion of modern Spiritualism on a stable and permanent basis by the investigation of spiritual truths and natural laws and the religious, moral, intellectual and physical training of all members.
To foster the belief in a Supreme Creative Intelligence and the spiritual essence of spirit in man.
To avow the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of man, the proven facts of communion between discarnate and incarnate spirits, the immortality of the spirit and its personal characteristics, personal responsibility with compensation and retribution here and hereafter for all manner of deeds done on earth, and eternal progress open to every human spirit.
To assist with the formation, establishment and functioning of Spiritualist churches, psychic development groups, meditation groups, healing groups and discussion groups.
To set appropriate qualifications and proper standards of conduct, and appoint Ministers, for the purposes of conducting, Spiritualist Church services and groups, and providing such other services as may be deemed fit.
To encourage and develop co-operation between members of the Association, and churches, organisations and bodies having objects and purposes altogether or in part similar to those of the Association.