Education Program
Please note: You must be a member of the ICS Inc to be eligible for the Education Program
Enquiries regarding our education program can be made to [email protected]
Background to our Australian Education Program
The program was started in 1998 with the view to allow further studies by correspondence to any Spiritualist or enquirer wishing to research spiritualism.
The first course named “Basic Spiritualism” was written by Rev Joan Farrell who had studied through the SNU in England. Rev Farrell, working to promote Spiritualism in Australia created something along the same lines, thus this course came into being. Rev Farrell wanting to reach a wider group of people, offered her course to the ICS Inc for their education program. Rev David Saul adapted this course to suit the ICS Inc requirements of education.
In 1999, Version II of the course was presented as a part of an Education Program to train ministers for ordination (pastoral ministers in Europe). This is a diploma course as accepted by the Attorney General’s Department. All candidates for the ministry are required to complete this course.
In 2004, Rev Carmel Hughes prepared a correspondence course “A Guideline to the Counselling of Children”. In 2005 Rev David Saul prepared a correspondence course entitled “Guide to Being a Spiritualist Minister”, which includes the correct protocol and procedures of marriages. In 2008, Rev Margaret McGregor prepared a course in “Grief Counselling”.
Background to our Overseas Education Program
After the establishment of the education program for ministers, Rev Terry Bartsch approached the Council with the proposal for starting a similar program overseas. The “Basic Spiritualism” course was translated into German by Rev Bartsch. Since its inception, students from Germany and Sweden have completed the program and are established ICS Inc pastoral ministers in their relevant countries.
Following Rev Bartsch’s retirement, the ICS Inc closed the original program. A new program was established to cover all overseas education with very specific guidelines for the running of the courses – subject to the laws of each country.
Guide for overseas study
The ICS Inc expects all candidates to be taught the true presentation of Spiritualism and the Seven Principles, which are the guidelines of our religion.
The education program must incorporate an accepted version of the course ‘Basic Spiritualism’ used in the training of ICS Inc ministers in Australia.
This course may be translated into the language of the country in which it will be used providing the following criteria is adhered to:
- Permission to translate the “Basic Spiritualism” course must be applied for, to the ICS Inc and granted in writing, before the translation is begun.
- Copyright ownership of all translated work to be used with the education program of pastoral ministers is retained by the ICS Inc.
- A copy of the translated work must be supplied to the ICS Inc, which will be held in the archives.
- A royalty is to be paid to the ICS Inc by every candidate taking the “Basic Spiritualism” course.
The ICS Inc expects that all candidates will be developed in mediumship to give reliable evidence from the Spirit Realms.
The ICS Inc expects candidates to be proficient in meditation, attunement with spirit and spiritualist healing, which may include absent healing and running a healing circle.
During training, candidates are taught how to conduct church services, weddings, namings and funerals in accordance to the Rites of Spiritualism (as per the ICS Inc Ministers’ File)
After training is completed and all relevant examinations passed, an application for ordination may be lodged with the Nominating Authority Delegate/Chief Minister.